PMEGP Application Status 2019 Check Online (PMEGP E-Tracking System Login Form)
Prime minister’s employment generation program status check
A collective number of India’s social benefits schemes have come up to cater for Indian citizen’s needs, it’s believed each citizen is different and capable in their own way, some need the little push form the schemes to make it. Each day new schemes come and with the Indian government through the Ministry of MSME (micro finance) they have open the most popular and supportive scheme in the country.
PMEGP meaning Prime Minister’s employment generation program, it was solely established and launched in the year 2008-2009 to help rural and urban residents in employment. Applicants have to meet eligibility criteria for one to benefit.
Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)
PMEGP is governed by different bodies according to the level of implementation. We have the following level as follows:
- State level the governing body is KVIC which is overseen by the KVIC directorates.
- The state Khadi & village and village industry boards KVIBs
- The district industry centers DIC.
- The bank is the last body which holds to the PMEGP scheme.

Main objectives of the PMEGP scheme.
Schemes are introduced to citizens for certain purpose which can be fulfilled if the right personnel take their position. All schemes have different objectives which lead them to invest in people of a different caliber. Here we have the main objectives to be in a scheme.
- The scheme aims at upgrading both rural and urban areas by giving more power to residents by helping with employment solutions.
- PMEGP is introduced to reduce rural to urban migration in search of jobs.
- To ensure all traditional artisans and the young members of the society acquire jobs and have long term plans to avoid and curb cases of fraud and crime.
- The scheme picks on a wide scope of people who link both in technically and economically regardless of the area whether urban or rural.
- The scheme is new and unique as it supports new business and projects.
- Government has given a condition of only one person in the family can take the loan.
- There are negative aspects given by the scheme that cannot receive any loan.
PMEGP (Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme) is highly focused giving employment and eradicating poverty in India as the help in employment or loans helping citizens improve their life situations. It has different eligibility criteria which have been discussed below.
How to Check PMEGP Application Status 2019 (PMEGP E-tracking System )
Applicants should follow up about the application in order to know their progress and whether they have qualified. The government has introduced a digital way of checking the status. The process is transparent to avoid cases of corruption; the portal also helps in easing the work for the government since applicants don’t visit the PMEGP offices anymore.
Step by Step Process Check PMEGP Online Application Status 2019
Though the checking process has several ways all leading to knowing the status of your application which will be directed online.
- Go to the official PMEGP website page
- The system will open the PMEGP e-tracking web page which is indicated with big letterheads.
- Proceed and check for the official login details and the option for the status view.
- Now key in your ID and password, note the application ID is personal and shouldn’t be share.
- Recheck the details enter and then select on the view status.
- In a few seconds, the system will generate the application status.
Applicants should know that the process is free and fair and doesn’t check about the category or other details but provides loans on a fair basis. Applicants can visit PMEGP official page for inquiry.