North / East / South Municipal Corporation of Delhi. MCD Property Tax 2023-2024 Last date Extended SDMC 30.04.2023 EDMC 30.06.2023
Pay North / East / South Delhi Property Tax Online Payment 2023-2024 Online?
Property tax is an annual payment on real property own by individuals or corporations. The property tax is consider to be more on regressive tax. The property owner pays tax to the local or state government. According to where the property is located and the total value of the property. Property tax is a major source of income/revenue for local authorities. Helping maintain the sewers, public amenities and pay local authority employees.

North / East / South Delhi MCD Property Tax 2023-24 Online Payment at
Delhi property owners are obligate to pay their tax to the Delhi municipality body. The municipal corporation of Delhi (MCD) is responsible for correcting and maintaining the state. The MCD checks the value of each property and assigns an amount. The tax is paid every year without fail, owners decline to pay face penalties from the law. In Delhi statistics show that lack of follow up and maintenance has led to failure. The lack of proper information about the funds corrected and the services provided makes the state rag behind in development.
However, MCD has improved and digitalized the systems. Here they can account for every penny that flows in from property owners. No more corruption as they are enhancing accountability and transparency in property tax. Introducing an online system where one can pay and get information about tax. They have introduced a system public-private-partnership (PPP model). The tax is levied on all buildings and vacant land. They have three methods of compiling the property tax as follows:
- The annual rent value.
- Capital value system
- Unit area system
Indian government recommends the unit area system to compile the value. Space by which property stand-in, the time frame of construction and type of building. The value varies according to residential, rented residential, commercial and industrial properties. The MCD authority is also divide into three branches.
- North MCD
- South MCD
- East MCD
The city is again divide into 8 sections from A to H per the property and colonies where they stand.
The Basic formula for MCD Property Tax computation
The property tax =annual value *rate of tax.
How to arrive at the total value of the building?
Unit area value per Sq. meter *covered area of the property *age factor *use factor*structure factor*occupancy factor*flat factor.
Note the covered area is the total area covered by the floors, the thickness of the walls and space covered by the veranda. The age ranges from 0.5 to 1 where new buildings are taxed more than the old property. Use factor means the uses of the building and occupancy refers to whether the building is occupied or rented.
Delhi Municipal Corporation Property Tax Websites 2023 – 2024 (East, North, South)
Delhi Municipal Corporation Property Tax 2023-24 | |
East Delhi municipal corporation property tax website | |
North Delhi municipal corporation property tax website | |
New Delhi Municipal Council property tax online Website | |
South Delhi municipal corporation property tax website | |
North/South/East Delhi Municipal Corporation Property tax 2023-24 Online Payment
- East Delhi municipal corporation property tax 2023-24 online payment
- South Delhi municipal corporation property tax 2023-24 online payment
- North Delhi municipal corporation property tax 2023-24 online
- Just follow simple procedure given below within 5 minutes you can pay edmc, sdmc, sdmc property tax online.
How to Pay MCD Property Tax Online 2023-24?
The MCD authorities have an easier online payment method. Property owners can use the following steps to pay their property tax.
- Go to the official MCD property tax page
- On the homepage select the place to pay tax, whether north, south or east Delhi.
- After choosing the system will direct you to a new page. Here click on the term and condition checkbox. The tab indicating ” click here to file property tax”
- Proceed and select one of the options: property ID for property tax paid in 2019-20, or other year property ID.
- Key in the property ID and continue as directed.
- Applicants filing property tax for the first time are to click on the option “first time, the online taxpayer”
- Now select the tab “Click here if property id is not been allotted earlier.” A new page will open and you’re required to enter some details, key in the total property you own then click on the agreement checkbox. Now submit the details and the system will send a property id. Use it to file property tax.
- After this proceed to click any of the two options said above the property tax paid 2014-15 or year property id. A new page will appear showing your property information.
- Key in the required property data, the system will automatically calculate the tax payable. Now click on the submit button to continue.
- The payments can pay by a credit card/ debit card or through net banking.
How to Pay MCD Property Tax 2023-24 offline?
Property owners have a choice to pay the tax offline. They can visit any of the 800 ITZ cash counters in Delhi. After making the payments the officer in charge will offer a receipt that has your property ID. The id should be used in all payments. Keep it safe it’s only issued once the MCD authority cannot give new property id to old members.
Exemption from the MCD property tax
Some property owners are exempt from paying taxes. Here we check on who is eligible not pay property tax.
- All vacant lands and building which are used as worship places. The public burial areas, heritage land and land or property used for charitable use by the owner.
- The agricultural land and buildings used for agricultural business.
- If the land or building is vested incorporation.
- Property of ex-servicemen and or their widow or widower. However, the property should be used for residential purposes only.
- The paramilitary and police duty buildings are also exempt from property tax.
- South MCD employee who is handicap persons and still on duty are not to pay for the tax.
- Athletic heroes who have won any international games making their country proud. The municipality offers this to both genders and who happen to own property.
Rebate of MCD Property Tax 2023-24
- Individuals paying their property is a lump sum for the first quarter of the year. They receive a discount of 15% of the total tax paid.
- The DDA/CGHS flats receive a discount of 10% of the annual value for the 100 Sq. meter.
- A total discount of 30% is offer to women and physically challenged people. The senior citizens also receive a discount. However, this applies for one property only.
- Group house flats are given a 20% discount up to 30th June of the whole financial year.
- Ex-servicemen receive a 30% discount on property tax.
What are the Conditions of Availing of The rebate?
The rebate is offered in different conditions according to each case. Here are some of the rebate conditions.
- Rebate provide to a max of 200Sq. meters expect for the DDC/CGHS flats that only get 100Sq. meters.
- The occupancy factor is residential for the building which needs to get the rebates.
- Self-occupied applies in the use factor to receive the rebate.
- For property owned through joint ownership, the rebate is offer on the property where the individual qualify for the rebate
Penalty for Delay Payment of MCD Property Tax
Penalty happens when an individual skips to pay the tax or doesn’t pay at all in the year. In Delhi, a fine of 1% is levied every month on the tax amount you’re to pay. A set deadline is given by the MCD and should be obeyed or else a fine will be applied.
MCD Property Tax 2019-20 Last Date Extended (SDMC, EDMC, NDMC)
- Last date extended of period of Amnesty Scheme 2019-20 under SDMC for waiver upto date tax is 30-04-2023.
- Last date was extended of period of Amnesty Scheme 2019-20 under EDMC upto date tax is 30-06-2023