AP Ration Card Download, Print, Check Status at spandana.ap.gov.in/Navasakam/RationCardStatus.aspx
AP Ration card 2020: The AP ration card is a type of a ration card which the ap state government offers to a certain group of its citizens. In most cases, the card is offered to citizens who are below the poverty line and also to those who are unemployed. The Ration card allows these Andhra Pradesh citizens to acquire food and other household products from firms which are funded by the AP state government at relatively affordable prices. Moreover, the andhra pradesh state Citizens can also use the ration cards as identification documents.
All Indian citizens who have subscribed to the ration card enjoy social security services which are offered by the government at rates that are highly subsidized. AP are abbreviations for Andhra Pradesh which is one of the major state in the Indian Country.
AP RICE CARD STATUS CHECK 2020 (New Ration Card)
Step by Step Procedure for AP rice card status (ap new ration card) search beneficiary list 2020 online
- First visit this link given below
- https://www.spandana.ap.gov.in/Navasakam/RationCardStatus.aspx

- Enter your ration card number (or) Aaadhar Number
- Press Submit Button
- With in seconds rice card status will be displayed
AP Ration Card Download 2020
The Andhra Pradesh ration card can be accessed by the Registered ap state citizens without necessarily visiting the government offices. This is done by simply logging into the EPDS AP rashan card official website. Here, the citizen then chooses the “AP ration card download “ option and then one goes to the download and print option. In this section, the citizen is required to add residential and family details. These details are mandatory and failure to add them leads to automatic failure of the process. AP new ration card download & check status with aadhaar number/name was disabled temporarily so please note this point.
It is important for citizens to note that the card obtained from the online platform is only a duplicate of the original copy. Therefore, one has to visit the EPDS offices to obtain the original. Though the original card is very essential, the citizens are always at a liberty to use the duplicate at times of emergencies.
AP Ration Card Status check online 2020
Whenever you wish as a citizen to check your ap ration card status, you just need to browse the spandana navasakam website “https://www.spandana.ap.gov.in/Navasakam/RationCardStatus.aspx” . In this page, you are required to add you ration card’s number (or) family member’s aadhar card number; if the ration card number is found webpage will display ap rice card details along with new ration card number. The andhra spandana website automatically gives out your card history, status, and activities. In an event where the website fails to give output, you are advised to load the homepage again. In an occasion where the system completely fails to give output, it means that you acquired the AP ration card manually and therefore you need to visit the nearest mro office to seek assistance from a ration card department.
There different types of AP Ration cards which include:
- The white ration card; this card is meant for citizens who are very poor. These citizens can barely afford a simple meal, house or even education.
- The pink card is awarded to average citizens who are able to support some of their needs. This category also includes the Indian elites.
AP New Ration Card Application Status 2020 Search
On an event of creating or checking the status of the application process for a new ration card, you are just required to browse the AP website and follow the following steps;
- The page’s homepage always contains three options which are Print, Search and Transaction History.
- Here you are required to choose the print option
- On clicking on this option you will automatically be redirected to the homepage.
- On the homepage, you are required to add your personal details. These details constitute those of your family
- On submission, you are redirected to a new page which has your new ration card which is always unique.
- Use the new AP ration card number to accesses all your details and services including your new and old RC number.
Andhra Pradesh Ration Card Official website:
The EPDS AP official website’s dashboard contains details and images that quickly inform you about the EPDS AP and its ration cards. Some of the options on the dashboard include; contacts, addresses and information on EPDS, government reports, faq’s, and orders from the government among others. this is the link http://epdsap.ap.gov.in/epdsAP/epds. Now ap ration card online download from http //www.apcivilsupplies.gov.in/ option is not available.
Download Duplicate AP Ration Card at EPDS Website
In an event of destruction or loss of the EPDS AP Ration card, you cannot access any of the services that you used to previously enjoy. Therefore, we are always advised to download a duplicate copy from online. For you to download the duplicate, you need to navigate the official website. Once you are logged on to the home page choose the “print ration card option”. Here you will be required to add your application number so as to access your details. On submission, you will be able to view your official details that you had filled when you registered for AP rasan card for the first time.
Here you can now download the duplicate ap ration card and use it to apply for another original ration card by visiting the MRO offices. You can always acquire downloads of your AP ration card as many times as you wish as there are no limitations.
However, the duplicate ration card is also valid, validated by an MRO officer Digital Signature.
AP Ration Card Download with Aadhar number 2020
- Previously you can download ap ration card with aadhar number. But from few months epds raion card with UID (aadhar number) is disabled.
- You can download it by given your ration card number This portal has similar options as those in the normal EPDS AP website and thus you are required to choose the Print ration card option.
- In this part, you are to provide your ration card number and then print your card. You can now use the card so as to get all the services provided when you use the normal AP ration print card.
How to Add Name in Ration card in AP State
You can add a name to your AP ration card manually only, online is not available. When you wish to add a name or other details to your ration card you need to acquire a document from the Meeseva office or any other Xerox Shops in front of MRO government office that’s located near you.
Fill the Application form correctly. After you are done adding names and other details you ought to submit the document to the MRO office through mee seva centers accompanying it with some money which in most instances is Rs. 40/.
Print Ration Card with Your Old RCN or RC New AP No.
- Just like downloading your transactions, this process is similar.
- You are required to visit the official site “http://epdsap.ap.gov.in/epdsAP/epds” in the bottom of the homepage, click on the Print option.
- Here you can either add your old ration card number or the new number after which you click on the download option to get a copy that you can print.
Temporarily AP Ration card Print & Download Option was Disabled online
AP Ration Card Search Status through Aadhar card
You can quickly check for you AP card status with the use of aadhar card number. Here you need to visit the official website of epds ap and fill your adhar number (This feature is not working from few days) which serves the same purpose as your andhra pradesh ration card. On submission, the ap new ration card displayed on your screen and now it is up to you to decide where to download them or not.
AP Ration Card Download with name online
This ration card search by name option is not available on AP food & civil supplies epds official website, Only you can download card by giving you ration card number only.
AP Ration Card Enquiry Toll Free Number
AP Ration Card Toll Free Help Line Services Number: 1967
Customer Care Number | 18004250082 |
Helpline Number | 18004256401 |
If you have any doubts about this please visit epds ap web homepage http://epdsap.ap.gov.in/epdsAP/epds. (or) http://navasakam.ap.gov.in/