AP Intermediate Time Table 2019 Download AP Inter 1st, 2nd Year Time Table 2019apbie.apcfss.in
Candidates can check Senior Inter Time Table 2019 at BIEAP official website
Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh state has announced the Time Table for Intermediate Public Examination. Candidates from all groups can check the Time Table through the official website BIEAP. First-year and Second Year students Time Table will be available for all the branches like M.P.C, Bi.P.C, C.E.C etc. Time Table will be available for both English Medium and Telugu Medium students. Regular and vocational course students can get exam schedule. Most of the private websites also will place the Time Table. so the candidate can check from any of the sources.

Andhra pradesh intermediate 1st year students have only theory exams and Senior Intermediate students have both Theory and Practical exams. Inter 2nd year students can check the Practical exam Time Table along with Theory exam Schedule. We are updating the Time Table for both Junior and Inter and Senior Inter students. Every year commonly Intermediate exams will be held in the month of March and Practical exams will be held in the month of February 2019.
AP Intermediate 1st Year Time Table 2019 Download Junior Inter Exam Schedule
IPE 1st year 2019 exams will start from 27th February to 16th March. Here we are updated public exam Time Table below. Junior inter students appearing for the public exams can go through the below.
Subject Name | Exam Date |
2nd Language Paper-I | 27/2/2019 |
English Paper-I | 1/3/2019 |
Mathematics Paper-I A Botany Paper-I Civics Paper-I | 5/3/2019 |
Mathematics Paper-I B Zoology Paper-I History Paper-I | 7/3/2019 |
Physics Paper-I Economics Paper-I | 9/3/2019 |
Chemistry Paper-I Commerce Paper-I Socialogy Paper-I Fine Arts, Music Paper-I | 12/3/2019 |
Geology Paper-I Public Administration Paper-I Logic Paper-I Bridge Course Maths Paper-I (for B.P.C students) | 14/3/2019 |
Modern Language Paper-I | 16/3/2019 |
Download AP Senior Inter Practical Exam Dates Time Table 2019
Inter 2nd year students Practical exams will be held from 1st February to 20th February 2019 including Sundays. Practical exams will be conducted in the Jumbling system. The candidate has to appear outside centers for Practical exams. All the students Practical exams will be conducted in different schedules. Get the Hall Ticket and check the Practical exam Schedule.
AP Intermediate 2nd Year Time Table 2019 Download Senior Inter Time Table
Intermediate 2nd Year public exams will start from 28th February to 18th March. We are updated the Time Time table for senior Intermediate students go through the below Time Table.
Subject Name | Exam Date |
2nd Language Paper-II | 28/2/19 |
English Paper-II | 2/3/19 |
Mathematics Paper-II A Botany Paper-II Civics Paper-II | 6/3/2019 |
Mathematics Paper-II B Zoology Paper-II History Paper-II | 8/3/2019 |
Physics Paper-II Economics Paper-II | 11/3/2019 |
Chemistry Paper-II Commerce Paper-II Socialogy Paper-II Fine Arts, Music Paper-II | 13/3/2019 |
Geology Paper-II Public Administration Paper-II Logic Paper-II Bridge Course Maths Paper-II (for B.P.C students) | 15/3/2019 |
Modern Language Paper-II | 18/3/2019 |
For more information about ap state inter hall tickets 2019 & time tables visit this BIE AP official website: apbie.apcfss.in & https://jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in/