Athi Varadaraja Perumal Darshan Today live crowd status on August 8, 2019:
The situation of pilgrims awaiting darshan in queue lines in Kanchipuram Varadaraja perumal temple became very critical from the afternoon of August 7, 2019. It is all because of electric short circuit near the temple. It had leaded to the death of few pilgrims. Though all measures had been taken to avoid the problems of devotees at the Varadraja perumal temple, it seems to be severe. But i hope queue lines will be cleared with in 1 day i.e., by tomorrow August 9, 2019.

Devotees entered for darshan into queue lines by yesterday evening had completed their darshan today morning.
Live crowd for Athi Vardar VIP Pass and Rs. 500 & Rs.300 Darshan tickets:
Augest 9, 2019
- Yesterday nearly 3 lakhs of people had athivardar darshan.
- 8 Days to go
- Kancheepuram Collector announced their will no athi varadar darshan from 17th August 2019. It will be started again in 2059.
August 8, 2019
- Sahasranama archana tickets darshan (6 A.M.)had got darshan slot after 8 A.M, but still there is no movement in the queue lines.
- All types of tickets like VIP, Rs. 500/-, Donor pass etc are also standing in the queue from the early morning. By this we can easily estimate the darshan time of Sarva darshan.
- Though services like water, biscuits or some thing else had given in the queue lines daily today that type of services seems to be very less.
August 7, 2019
Sahasranama archana darshan of August 7, 2019 postponed to August 8, 2109 by 4 A.M but still there is no darshan for those tickets. Expected time duration for darshan is within 2 to 3 hours.
Important Note: Darshan had been stopped For few hours from yesterday afternoon due to electric short circuit and the ramp works going in the temple. so it may take more time for darshan.
Today Athi Varadar live darshan status & Crowd Waiting time for Darshan
Free Darshan | 7 to 8 hours |
Darshan for Rs. 50 tickets | 4 to 5 hours |
Darshan for VIP recommendation (VIP Pass) | 2 to 3 hours |
Darshan for Rs. 300 tickets (Special Darshan) | 3 to 4 hours |
Darshan for Rs. 500 tickets (Sahasranama Archana) | 2 to 3 hours |