State bank of india (SBI) Gyanodaya e learning portal 2023 learning & development (E-Learning) login & SBI online sample test 2023 at
SBI E Learning
The SBI bank is among the popular banks in India. It’s privileged having many branches across the country offering various services. The bank takes pride in its employees having all possible ways to make them comfortable. State Bank of India bank employees can learn about their salaries, changes and new updates. This happens through a unique e-learning web portal.
SBI Gyanodaya e-learning portal was launched to cater to employees’ details. The platform was officially opened by the SBI bank in honor of the employees, all details pertaining to an employee is described here. Employees have to log in to access the information.
SBI Gyanodaya E Learning Online Login at

The platform is secure each employee log’s in with different HRMS (Human resource management system) details. The banking services and updates don’t have to be announced to employees. They are posted on the website for them to follow up. This being a professional move and helps solve employee issues without strain. The SBI e-learning Gyanodaya website is free to register and access. In the past employees needed to have complete certification of the Gyanodaya. However, the bank has made changes, thus requesting for one certificate only. The certificate comes in handy when bidding for job promotion through the e-learning portal. Employees need to link the certificate to the Gyanodaya portal.
How to Login to the SBI Gyanodaya e Learning Portal?
The e-learning platform has an easier process of access. Through your state bank of india HRMS details employees can check all the updates and services here. The login information is provided by the SBI bank. Username and password are unique to all employees. For new employees or individuals without the login details. They should contact the HR office to receive login details for the e-learning web page.
SBI E Learning Portal Login Page Procedure (Step by Step):
- Visit the SBI Gyanodaya e-learning portal “ “
- On opening click the SBI e-learning login tab on the menu.
- A new page will show, enter the login details.
- Key in the username and password.
- Recheck the details then click on the sign-in tab.
- The system will open the SBI e-learning Gyanodaya account.
SBI E-learning Certificate Acquisition
Employees need to apply for the e-learning certificate. They are to attend training for the same. The certificate helps get job promotions at the bank. A maximum of one certificate is needed while applying for promotion.
- Award staff
Employees at the cash in charge and those working outside the office. All belong to the award staff grouping. The employees have to officially apply for a certificate and training sessions. Then we need to go to a seminar and workshops organized by the bank physically. The classes teach on the role one plays bases on the certification.
- Officers
The category holds officers scaling from level 1 to level 5. The employees also need to apply online for certification and training. After applying the officers have to take offline/physically appear for classes and workshops. This helps in learning the role of their work based on the certification. The officers will take an examination based on what you were learning. There are set pass mark for each test, to get the e-learning certificate. Employees can learn about the test and certificate through the Gyanodaya e-learning portal.
Benefits of SBI E-learning Online Portal ””
The E-learning portal is packed with a lot of benefits for employees and the bank. The bank services and updates are only contained in the portal without outside interference.
Education Upgrade and Certification
The bank provides opportunities for learning. They offer certificates after completion thus growing the know-how of each employee. They have different services and changes that need more knowledge and skills. The portal is constantly updated and new learning models updated. Employees get certificates which help them in the future.
Job Promotion
The SBI bank caters to the wellbeing and growth of the employees. Ensuring they promote employees who apply and have at least one certification. This encourages employees to learn and gain knowledge about their jobs. It also encourages employees to work without the thought of job searching.
Types of Promotions & Certification
SBI bank has different promotional levels and certificates. Employees need to check from their SBI Gyanodaya e-learning portal. The promotions and certificates are list below:
State Bank Of India Employee level | Promotion levels | Certificates |
Award staff | Officer cadre | CP-Associate certificate. |
Scale officers level 1 | Scale level 2 | The RBI mandated and external certificate. |
The scale 2 officers | Scale 3 | RBI mandated and external certificate. |
Scale level 3, 4, 5 officers | Level scale 4, 5, 6, Deputy Manager | RBI mandate and external certificate. |
The two types of certification
There are two certification awards from the SBI bank e-learning.
- Internal certification
This type of certificate is offered and handled by the SBI staff.
- The external certification
While the external certificate has links outside the SBI bank and is handle by the reserved bank of India.
Employees wishing to exempt the certification can do so. They have to talk to the SBI HR and the e-learning certification is cleared. SBI banks don’t offer services against employee’s will. They have the right to choose when they want certification or not.
Certificate validity
The e-learning certificates have a validity period. Employees should check on the tenure before it’s done. Re-validation of every certificate is important to each employee. The dates are mention on the certificate for employees to note. This helps one to renew the certificate before expiry. This calls for training and workshop for the renewal process to take place.
The portal is an official platform for the SBI employees. Here they can check their payslips and salary details. All the banking services are provided in the portal. Employees have their login detail that is username and password. The bank has more information on the HRMS SBI IRJ portal, SBI HRMS SAP, SBI HRMS EMS, and HRMS SBI coin. They hold all salary slip details employees don’t require to visit the HR office.
Employees can also consult the E-learning SBI help desk if any problem arises. This desk will assist all employees to introduce the new one to SBI services. They can use the SBI bank email address . Note the SBI offers equal opportunity for e-certification to its employees.
Our next article will be on sbi e learning lessons with answers. For more information about this visit (or)
SBI e learning gyanodaya new portal