AP Intermediate 2nd year Supplementary Hall Tickets 2018 Download @ apbie.apcfss.in
Board of Intermediate Education of Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) will conduct the AP Intermediate 2nd year examinations for all the intermediate colleges in the state of Andhra Pradesh in the month of May 2018. The board conducts exams for both first year & second year students respectively. The candidates who applied for the exams can download the inter second year supply hall tickets 2018 from the official APBIE 2018 website. Only applied candidates will be able to download their AP second year intermediate 2nd year supplementary Hall Tickets of Inter 2nd year examinations 2018. Candidate must be to submit the Hall ticket during the board examination.
All eligible candidates are preparing for the Intermediate 2nd year advanced supplementary examinations can download the Hall Tickets from the official website of Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh. BIEAP 2018 will conduct Senior Intermediate Supplementary particle and theoretical examinations in the month of May 2018. Inter second year supple Hall tickets are available in the website from 12th may 2018.
The students who are applied for the Senior Intermediate public 2018 examinations can get AP Junior & senior intermediate Hall tickets through online or from the respective schools. Before commence of examinations hall tickets updated in the official link.

AP Inter 2nd year Supply Hall Tickets 2018 Download
The below are the steps to download the BIEAP inter 2nd year 2018 Hall Tickets. To download the AP Intermediate 2nd year Hall Tickets 2018.
- First open the APBIE official website by clicking the following link which is provided. https://apbie.apcfss.in/.
- Then click the login button option on the home page. And then login with user and password.
- Then you have to select the district, college name, and college code in the list given.
- After select the type of course that is general (or) vocational and select your stream.
- To download the Hall Ticket candidate have to enter their students admission number, and security pin.
- After entering all the required details, then click on the submit option.
- Bieap 2nd year supplementary Hall Ticket displayed on the screen.
Candidates are advised to check the details in the Hall Ticket to prevent any discrepancy.
Download the Hall Ticket and save it in your computer and take print out for future use.
If any mistakes are noticed in admit card, then inform it immediately to the examination controller / Principal of students college.
After downloading the ap senior inter hall ticket student have to make signature with head of the institute/ college. Or else it would not be valid.
Important note for the students who are going to attend the Inter 2nd year 2018 public examinations, students need to carry the hall ticket to examination hall without fail. Without the Hall ticket students are not be allowed to sit in the examination hall.
Important Dates
AP Senior Inter Hall Tickets 2018 release date in the Official website: 12.05.2018 (Saturday)
Commencement of the inter 2nd year supply theoretical examinations : 14.05.2018 (Monday)
For any queries or any other doubts candidates can visit the official website of BIEAP.