Osmania University Degree BA/ BSc/ BCom/ BBA Hall Ticket 2020 Released @ osmania.ac.in
What’s special about Osmania University is that it is a century old and holds 45th rank, according to the latest National Institutional Ranking Framework’s of the Indian Government. The institution based in Hyderabad was established in 1918. One of the most highly esteemed and 7th oldest University in the country of India.
Osmania University offers courses for three thousand seven hundred students from upwards of eighty countries. It offers 250 Under Graduate Programmes with 158 permutations, 75 Post Graduate Programmes, 27 Post Graduate Diploma courses and two Research courses, including M.Phil and PhD. Osmania University conducts the degree Under Graduate examinations on an annual basis for all the first, second and third year students in the months of March and April 2020.
Download OU Degree Hall Ticket 2020 1st, 2nd 3rd Semester at osmania.ac.in

The non-profit university which operates under funding from the government offers admissions into the Bachelor of Engineering, Masters and Doctoral programs in main campus based on merit of the candidates. Admissions to courses offered by this university are covered by national entrance examinations (Engineering Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test, Graduate Aptitude Test Engineering, BCFSBTGMES-N&D, AP LAWCET, Osmania University Ph.D Entrance Exam etc). As of now, students who are pursuing BA/ B.S.c/ B.Com/ B.B.A /B.S.W first, second, third year degrees at this institution are awaiting the Osmania University Degree Hall Ticket 2020.
All the candidates opting for this examination should have completed the entire registration process before the last date. One should note that entry to this exam will be denied if the application process is not completed on time. So, always make it a point to stay in touch with updates offered via the official website of Osmania University and complete the application formalities on time.
Osmania University Degree Hall Tickets 2020 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year
- Name of the Exam Authority: Osmania University (OU)
- EBatch: Osmania University 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year
- Courses covered by the exam: BA, BSC, BCOM
- Exam mode: Semester Exam 2020
- Session of the exam: 2019-2020
- Date of Exam: April & May 2020
Note: Exam Hall Tickets are issued before 10 to 15 days of Examination via the Official Web Site www.osmania.ac.in
Osmania University 2nd, 4th, and 6th Semester Admit Card 2020
The Osmania University Exam hall ticket contains crucial details for the candidates, such as date of the exam, time of start, addresses of exam centers, important instruction, exam roll number, name of the student, photo, signature, and other information. Read on for the steps involved in downloading Osmania University Hall Ticket 2020.
How to download Osmania University Hall Ticket 2020?
- Students should first visit the official web site of Osmania University (OU), www.osmania.ac.in
- Go to the link for downloading Osmania University Exam Admit Card on the homepage.
- By clicking on the link, you will be able to open a new window
- After the new window shows up, you can click on the appropriate link as per your area of study
- Next, you will have to enter your Name and Date of birth
- Last but not the least, make sure that your entries are correct
- Click on the submit button
- Soon, your Osmania University Exam Hall Ticket shown on the computer screen
- Make sure you download the hall ticket and have a hard copy printed out for future use.
Meanwhile, the Osmania University announced the results of the annual BA/BCom/BSc I, II & III year exams via its official website. The results were announced on May 2020 (Expected). These ou degree results 2020 can be accessed through Osmania University’s website, osmania.ac.in & manabadi.co.in, schools9.com etc… The Osmania University conducted its BA/B.Com/B.Sc examinations from March 6 to April 9 for the year 2020. The osmania university degree 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year BA, BSc, BCom, BBA, BSW results 2020 announced so far are for the Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) courses.
Osmania University Degree Hall Tickets 2020 Download
Here is important news for all you students out there. Osmania University, which only recently completed the exam form application formalities, is gearing up to conduct Degree B.Sc/ B.Com/ B.A 1st, 2nd & 3rd-year exams from March 2020. The Osmania University Degree Exam Hall Ticket 2020 will soon be available on the official web site of Osmania University. Once the admit card download is made available, you able to get your hall ticket online by entering your roll number.
Candidates who are pursuing B.Sc/ B.Com/ B.A are advised to download the Osmania University Degree Hall Ticket 2020 without fail, as it is a crucial document to be carried for the exam. The Osmania University Degree Hall Ticket will hold important information regarding the exam, such as exam venue, roll number of the candidate etc. For more information on Osmania University Hall Ticket 2020, you can go to Osmania University’s site, osmania.ac.in.
Osmania University Degree 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year Degree Hall Tickets 2020
As Osmania University is gearing up to release Degree BA, BSc, BCom, BBA Hall Tickets soon for June 2020 exam, candidates must make it a point to visit the official website or the link given below to check their hall tickets and download them without delay. Once you have downloaded the Hall Tickets via the official website, you will be able to get details like Exam Schedule, Exam Venue, Exam Timings, and other general instructions. As mentioned earlier, candidates without hall ticket will be denied entry into the examination hall.
Manabadi Osmania University Degree Results 2020 BA, BSC, BCOM, BBA 1st Year, 2nd, 3rd Year
Osmania University Degree 1st year, 2nd year 3rd year (B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, B.Com (Hons), B.Com (Voc), B.S.W, BBA) Results 2020 Released today @ manabadi.com.
Here’s How to Check Osmania University Degree Results 2020 @ manabadi.co.in
- Visit the official website of Osmania University i.e. osmania.ac.in. (or) www.manabadi.com
- Find the “Ou degree results 2020” section and click on the appropriate notification for the results you are looking for.
- It is advisable to open the results page using a new tab so that you can easily explore the notifications.
- Enter all the details in the given fields (B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, B.Com (Hons), B.Com (Voc), B.S.W, BBA) & select year
- Click on the “submit” option
- Download your results to your computer
- Print the results and keep it safe for further reference.