NADRS scheme is a digital scheme design for all farmers dealing with animal husbandry, dairying, and fisheries. The initiative covered all Indian states and was establish by the Department of Animal husbandry, dairying, and fisheries. For more information at
The National informatics center also has significant influence in creating the NADRS scheme. The scheme uses advanced technology to connect all states. It integrates MIS and GIS and exposes all states to the Central disease reporting and monitoring unit CDRMU, which works under animal husbandry, dairying, and fisheries DADF. The Establishment was developed to prevent and control infections and contagious diseases in animals.
The NADRS program identifies existing diseases in the country. It evaluates the situation and influences the diseases to have on animals. This helps fight the diseases by providing the right resources and stop the spread.

Important Details
- NADRS scheme is developed to boost operations and performance of animal husbandry, dairying, and fisheries. They can get fast information on disease outbreaks and remedial measures.
- It’s a reliable information system for both government and farmers.
- The NADRS portal and mobile app help in better record-keeping. It reduces the workload and helps in information reference on measures taken on a particular disease.
- The information from district levels is accurately transferred to all stakeholders on time.
- The governing bodies have introduced NADRS 2.0 mobile app to monitor livestock diseases and easy access to livestock details.
NADRS Project
The NADRS project provides the user with different livestock, health, and disease control programs. The portal is divided into several segments, some describing:
- NADRS project
- Aim of the project
- The description of the NADRS app and login process
- How to execute the NADRS plans.
- Implementation agency
- Importance of NADRS project.
All the information is available to register and unregistered users in India. The login portal offers users with details such as:
- Departments and officials
- The function of NADRS.
- Related organizations
- Department hierarchy
- The three divisions
- Animal husbandry,
- Dairy and fisheries development.
NADRS scheme holds a list s of developmental schemes. They are design to help fund and benefit farmers and other beneficiaries. The NADRS scheme is establish throughout India and helps in reporting and monitoring livestock diseases. The system uses several channels like SMS, website portal, mobile application, and email to ease communication.
The authorities can send alerts through the SMS method informing stakeholders about animal disease outbreaks. The system helps in resource management, proper records, and improve revenue. The disease is controlled fast, preventing spread and losses.
NADRS 2.0 Mobile App
The mobile app is developed for:
- Receiving the first information report (FIR) on animal diseases.
- The daily incidence of DI cases.
- Information on vaccination from the block veterinary officers and state officers.
- Helps monitor livestock diseases from block levels to state levels.
NADRS 2.0 Login
- Open the NADRS website page using the link
- On the homepage, the menu enters your user ID and password.
- Enter the captcha code on the screen and select the tab “login.”
National Artificial Insemination Programme NAIP
The NAIP scheme is a centralized program for all breeds of cattle and buffaloes. The program works under the NADRS scheme. It helps protect all animals and provides progress from the district level, village, and state levels.
- Navigate to the NADRS official website page
- On the menu, select the option “Artificial Insemination Coverage.”
- Enter your login details: user ID and password.
- Now you can access all information about NAIP from the portal.
What services and departments are found on the NADRS scheme?
Vaccination details
The revised first information report FIR
Daily incidence case
Information about fish diseases.
Taking action and reviews of previous meetings.Who is eligible for the NADRS scheme?
The program is available to all registered and unregistered users in India. They can access the information through