Maharashtra Universal Travel Pass Registration, Login, Download Online at
Covid -19 virus still poses fierce threats in different parts globally, with many health practitioners and governments reporting third and fourth waves. The rise is pushing countries to enact new travel restrictions and rules. People are advised on booster shots to increase immunity and lower contraction chances. The Indian central and state governments are implementing strict guidelines to curb the new virus waves. Citizens are requested to maintain healthy habits like hand washing, sanitization, social distancing, and masks.
Universal Travel Pass
Maharashtra state government is taking precautions to protect citizens from the swift spread of the Covid-19 virus. The Maharashtra State Disaster Management Authority has developed an exclusive platform to provide citizens with Universal Travel pass. The document allows eligible residents to travel during the pandemic or lock down. The applicant must fulfill various criteria; they should be essential service providers in the state or country.
they should be essential service providers in the state or country.
Maharashtra Universal Travel Pass
For fast provision, the universal travel pass issuing authority offers the pass in digitalized QR code. Applicants need to visit the official website The travel pass is available to vaccinated individuals who will or are using public places. The certificate shows the user is fully vaccinated and can travel.
Required Documents for Universal Travel Pass
- Aadhaar card
- Voter ID
- Registration certificate
- An Identity (ID)
- Industrial papers
- Mobile number
Eligibility Criteria
- The applicants must be Indian and Maharashtra residents.
- Children cannot avail the pass
- The user should be vaccinated
- One must be in the essential services category.
Universal Travel Pass Registration 2022-23
Steps to register for Universal Travel Pass online
Eligible users can register using the steps below:
- Visit the Maharashtra Disaster Management website portal via
- Select the “Universal Travel Pass” option on the homepage menu.
- Next, click the “Register your Establishment” option.
- The system will open the registration form and enter the required documents: Examples
- Establishment registration number
- Name
- Address
- Pin code
- District
- Establishment category
- Establishment type
- Review the details and agree to the declaration, “I agree to the above conditions.”
- Select the “register” button to complete the process.

Universal Travel Pass Login
Procedure to login to Universal Travel Pass portal (establishments)
- Open the official portal using
- Enter the coordinator’s mobile number.
- Select the login option to access the account.
- The page will present staff information, download/print travel pass certificate, and more.
How to Download Maharashtra Universal Travel Pass (E-Pass)
Step by step process to download maharashtra universal travel pass 2022
- Go to the Maharashtra Disaster Management website page.
- Click the “universal Travel Pass Registration” option to proceed.
- Enter the mobile number used during registration.
- The system will send an OTP to the number.
- Use the code and provide your passport photo on the page.
- Next, select the download tab to get the e-pass on your device.
Objectives of Universal Travel pass
- The pass is designed to help eligible users travel to public areas.
- It’s a simple restriction for people to avoid movement during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Travel pass allows individuals providing important services access to different places.
- The government offers a pass to three categories medical, utility, and education.
Can I avail Travel pass with one single Covid-19 vaccine as I await the next?
No, the user should have two vaccines to get the pass online.
Why do people need travel passes in 2022?
Though the Covid-19 virus has subsided, there are regions experiencing third and fourth waves. The concern governments are trying to contain the virus from spreading more.