AP TET Hall Ticket Download 2020 @ aptet.apcfss.in
AP TET 2020 Hall Ticket Download: AP TET is the acronym for Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test 2020. APTET is an examination test held annually by the Administrator of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. Contenders for the trial are individuals willing to become primary or secondary teachers in government schools. This year, the test will be conducted in Andhra Pradesh only. Therefore, the interested candidates must apply for the examination earlier.
The announcement for the AP TET 2020 online application has been released and numerous contestants who seek to teach in the AP aided schools are applying with the hope of finding their luck. However, in order to attend the test, one has to download a aptet hall ticket 2020 prior to the due date. In case an aspirant shows up for the examination without the exam hall ticket, they will be constrained from entering. The AP TET 2020 hall tickets can be downloaded from the CSE AP Website using the following link, https://aptet.apcfss.in/ from January 2020 (Expected Date).
AP TET 2020 Hall Ticket Download

The Andhra Pradesh eligibility test will involve two test papers (one and two), for two sessions as scheduled. The first paper is for aspirants who want to become primary grade teachers from class one to five. The aptet second paper is for those candidates who are seeking for secondary school teacher vacancies from grade six to eight.
Moreover, the few who are competent to take both tests papers will take the two examinations concurrently. Nonetheless, when applying for these tests one must have the minimum recommended qualifications for both class 1 to 5 and class 6 to 8.
Furthermore, aspirants with a certificate in language Pandit Training or undertaking the cause are qualified for the application. It is vital to note that only teaching degree or diploma certificates that are acknowledged by the National Council for Teacher Education will be taken into account or a degree from any other legitimate institution.
In summary, the AP TET test syllabus 2020 will cover the following topics. Paper 1: questions on Child Growth and Pedagogics for a primary grade child, language development and comprehension queries, and mathematical and environmental studies questions testing content on various topics.
The aptet 2020 second paper will cover the same sub topics but in the context of an elementary stage child, with an addition of science, social studies, geography and civics questions. To make everything easy, all these queries are multiple choice questions each awarded one mark.
AP TET 2020 Hall ticket Download free at aptet.apcfss.in
The AP TET Hall tickets 2020 download link on the Andhra Pradesh CSE portal can be accessed two weeks before the examinations. Thus, it is actuated for contenders to download. It is sensible for the applicants to download the aptet 2020 hall tickets in advance and preserve them carefully.
These aptet 2020 admit cards (or) hall tickets have details of the examination dates, the venue, the scheduled time, and imperative information like the category of paper. Also, for legitimacy, the name of the organisation (Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education) and the link (cse.ap.gov.in, aptet.apcfss.in) is available.
In addition, several preliminary details like the name of the applicant, their date of birth, gender, signature, a passport sized photograph and a comprehensive guide for undertaking the test will be attached on the card. Also, when the candidates pay their examination fees online, a journal number to confirm the receipt of the fee is issued. Hence, the interested contenders are recommended to crosscheck all the information once they have downloaded the tickets 2020.
In the event that there is any detail missing on the admit cards or the candidate is not able to download their hall ticket, they are supposed to communicate in person with the Joint Director of AP Teacher Eligibility Test – 2020, Ibrahim Patnam. He is located at CSE, Anjaneya Towers as from 10 AM to 5.30 PM working hours. When visiting the director, the aspirant should carry a printed copy of the applicant form and a copy of the pasted photograph.
They must also provide information about the paper number of the fees paid and acknowledgment number of the already submitted form. Failure to report any constraints, before the examination will be on the account of the candidate. Thus, taking an immediate action without slacking is worthwhile. However, an inadequately sized or unclear photograph will be rejected and the tickets cannot be handed out to such aspirants.
How to Download AP TET 2020 Hall ticket / admit card?
Steps by step Procedure to Download AP TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST Hall tickets 2020 at https://aptet.apcfss.in/
- Moreover, the aspiring students for the test can use three different ways to download the hall tickets for the AP TET 2020 examination. One is by use of their reference identification number and date of birth or their phone contact number and their date of birth. The third way is their Aadhar number and their date of birth information.
- Besides, the steps involved in downloading the admit cards for 2020 on the link provided in the CSE official web are as follows. The candidate should first visit the website at http://aptet.apcfss.in, then search for the AP TET 2020 Hall Ticket Download on the website.
Andhra Pradesh TET Hall Tickets / Admit Card 2020 Download
- Afterwards, click on the download link provided then follow the provided instructions like entering their official name and admission number. Later, the student is supposed to submit these details whereby, on submission they will be notified on the screen after a while. Double-checking the information is imperative before downloading the hall ticket for printing.More so, with the great number of aspirants that is expected to undertake the tests, only the competent candidates be able to acquire jobs afterwards.
- Since AP TET is a state level exam, candidates that will qualify after taking the tests by attaining the requisite marks, will be employed in private sponsored schools and private unsponsored institutes in the Andhra Pradesh State. Also, there are available jobs for them in government schools in the municipality, Mandal and Zilla Parishad.
AP TET 2020 Examination Schedule Soon @ https://aptet.apcfss.in/
Important notifications and dates for the AP TET 2020 Hall Ticket Download (Not Released)
- The two examination tests are scheduled to start on January, 2020.
- The first session will be from 9.30 AM to 12.00 Noon and the second session will be from 2.30 PM to 5.00 PM.
- AP TET 2020 Admit cards (or) hall tickets are available from 2020 forward, but contenders can download them as from 2020.
Requesting for a replicate of the ticket if lost, not be allowed after the examination under any circumstance, thus the candidates must be extra careful with their hall tickets after issue and also after the examination.